Pin assign­ment at the sen­sor with CAN, CANopen or SAE J1939

The pin assign­ment meets the spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons of the standards.

Pin Color in the stan­dar­di­zed CAN cable CAN


SAE J1939

1 Shield CAN_​Shield
2 Red CAN_V+
3 Black CAN_GND
4 Weiß CAN_H
5 Blau CAN_L

We recom­mend the use of stan­dar­di­zed CAN con­nec­tion cables.

Pin assign­ment at the sen­sor with cur­rent or vol­ta­ge output

Pin Cur­rent


1 V+ Sup­p­ly Vol­ta­ge +24V
2 B-Out Sen­sor Out­put B (Stan­dard Y)
3 V- Sup­p­ly Vol­ta­ge Ground/​ Sen­sor Ground
4 A-Out Sen­sor Out­put A (Stan­dard X)
5 Teach Input for zero-point adjustment

Con­nec­tion dia­gram cur­rent output

Con­nec­tion dia­gram vol­ta­ge sensor

Pin assign­ment at the incli­na­ti­on switch

1 A+ Swit­ching Out­put A +
2 A- Swit­ching Out­put A -
3 B+ Swit­ching Out­put B +
4 B- Swit­ching Out­put B -
5 T1 Signal Pro­gramm­er
6 T2 Signal Pro­gramm­er
7 GND Ground
8 V+ Sup­p­ly Voltage