GEMAC MOTUS Green­line: New gene­ra­ti­on of sen­sors with a wide ran­ge of applications

GEMAC - Gemac Chem­nitz GmbH has been sup­p­ly­ing the mar­ket with incli­na­ti­on and iner­ti­al sen­sors for many years. Among other things, this year the com­pa­ny has laun­ched new inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­ons such as the Motus Black­li­ne as well as the cost-bene­fit opti­mi­zed vari­ant Motus Green­line. The port­fo­lio of this new gene­ra­ti­on of sen­sors is inten­ded to replace the pre­vious Eco­no­mic Line and at the same time expand the seg­ment. The sen­sors are used in a wide varie­ty of dif­fe­rent vehic­les and machines. 

With its slim design in a robust pla­s­tic housing, GREEN­LINE is said to focus on fle­xi­bi­li­ty and pri­ce. With the two stan­dard housing vari­ants available for 2- or 4-point moun­ting, the user gains far more inde­pen­dence from the exis­ting moun­ting opti­ons on the mobi­le machi­ne, accor­ding to the manu­fac­tu­rer. In addi­ti­on, the 2-hole vari­ant has a varia­ble hole size, which allows fle­xi­ble moun­ting of the sen­sor from min. 55.7 mm to max. 64.5 mm (M6). Ano­ther major advan­ta­ge is that fur­ther cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic vari­ants are pos­si­ble - indi­vi­du­al­ly tail­o­red to the respec­ti­ve requi­re­ments and con­di­ti­ons of the user. Depen­ding on the area of appli­ca­ti­on and tech­ni­cal requi­re­ments, three dif­fe­rent vari­ants are available, the sta­tic SE tilt sen­sor, the dyna­mic NE tilt sen­sor and the iner­ti­al mea­su­re­ment unit (IMU) XE with acqui­si­ti­on of tilt, acce­le­ra­ti­on and rota­ti­on rate.

GEMAC Motus GREENLINE 2-Loch-Variante

GEMAC Motus® GREEN­LINE in the 2-hole vari­ant with
varia­ble hole size for fle­xi­ble moun­ting of the sensor.

GEMAC Motus GREENLINE $-Loch-Variante

Also available with the housing vari­ant for 4-point mounting
available: GEMAC Motus® GREEN­LINE as part of the new
sen­sor gene­ra­ti­on from Gemac Chemnitz.

Whe­ther as a sta­tic incli­na­ti­on sen­sor (SE) with an accu­ra­cy of ±0.5° or as a dyna­mic incli­na­ti­on sen­sor (NE) with an accu­ra­cy of ±0.8°, Green­line offers a wide ran­ge of uses for many appli­ca­ti­ons in various indus­tries, such as agri­cul­tu­re and forestry, cra­ne and lif­ting tech­no­lo­gy, but also in the fields of indus­tri­al auto­ma­ti­on and trans­port sys­tems. The GEMAC Motus® GREEN­LINE port­fo­lio is roun­ded out by cost-effec­ti­ve IMU solu­ti­ons (XE) that pro­vi­de acce­le­ra­ti­on and rota­ti­on rate in all three axes via the digi­tal inter­face in addi­ti­on to incli­na­ti­on, enab­ling 6-axis moti­on cap­tu­re on mobi­le machi­nes. The sen­sor fusi­on algo­rithm deve­lo­ped by Gemac takes over the ori­en­ta­ti­on cal­cu­la­ti­on and thus pro­vi­des even more relia­ble values in very dyna­mic appli­ca­ti­ons and con­ti­nuous move­ment of a mobi­le machi­ne. Dis­tur­ban­ces such as impacts or jer­ky rota­ti­ons are relia­bly detec­ted and com­pen­sa­ted for by the sen­sor. The sen­sor mea­su­ring units, which can be con­ve­ni­ent­ly para­me­ter­i­zed via a pro­gramming kit, enable the user to opti­mal­ly match his appli­ca­ti­ons with the sen­sors to the exis­ting tech­ni­cal requi­re­ments. The enti­re GEMAC Motus fami­ly fea­tures auto­ma­tic con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on of the moun­ting posi­ti­on as well as fle­xi­ble zero point adjus­t­ment. All pro­duct lines are available for five dif­fe­rent inter­faces: for the ana­log inter­faces cur­rent and vol­ta­ge as well as for the digi­tal inter­faces CAN, CANopen and SAE J1939. For cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic pro­jects, the sen­sors in pla­s­tic housings are also available in dif­fe­rent colors.

  • XE
    Gene­ral parameters: Incli­na­ti­on Acce­le­ro­me­ter Gyro­scope
    Mea­su­re­ment range: ±90°/ ±180° (360°) ±2 g ±250 °/​s
    Reso­lu­ti­on: 0.01° 0.488 mg 0.035 °/​s
    Tem­pe­ra­tu­re coefficient: ±0.02 °/K 0.4 mg/​K 0.02 °/​s/​K
    Sta­tic accuracy: ±0.5° - -
    Dyna­mic accuracy: ±0.8° - -
    SE NE
    Gene­ral parameters: Incli­na­ti­on static Incli­na­ti­on sta­tic and dynamic
    Mea­su­re­ment ran­ge digital: ±90°/ ±180° (360°) ±90°/ ±180° (360°)
    Mea­su­re­ment ran­ge analog: ±5° to ±180° (360°) ±5° to ±180° (360°)
    Reso­lu­ti­on digital: 0.01° 0.01°
    Reso­lu­ti­on analog: 0.01° to 0.1° 0.01° to 0.1°
    Tem­pe­ra­tu­re coef­fi­ci­ent: ±0.02 °/K ±0.02 °/K
    Sta­tic accuracy: ±0.1° to ±0.5° ±0.1° to ±0.5°
    Dyna­mic accuracy: - ±0.8°